As a general summary, Cross-Forest aims to develop Digital Service Infrastructures – DSI – services oriented towards: (i) forest fires control through precise information on combustible materials, forestry maps and propagation models that need HPC resources to run properly and (ii) forestry evolution models on Country-Level. The foundations of those services will be forestry and GIS datasets that come from Portugal and Spain.

In order to fullfil the aforementioned goals, Cross-Forest will produce a common shared model of forest data across Academia and Public Administrations from Portugal and Spain. Cross-Forest will also provide a public endpoint exposing Forest Data according to the produced model. In this regards, the published data and the foundation model will constitute one of the main outcomes of Cross-Forest project.

Even further, the Public Open Data modelization and publication will just be a foundation for:

  • General public Informative services on forest fires risk
  • studying the propagation and evolution of forest fires, generated by HPC servers, just as guiding models for Emergency Managers and Public Administration
  • Forest professionals that will have complete and easy access to the huge amount of forestry datasets produced by Spain and Portugal.

Improved access to public sector information is an essential component of the EU strategy for stimulating new business opportunities and addressing societal challenges, including research, with a huge but still underexploited potential for re-use, including at the cross-border and cross-sectorial level.


Pilot Name: CAMBrIc – CAlidad de la Madera en Bosques mIxtos

Subject: Forest modelization. Wood Qualtiy. Final products.

Location: Whole Spain

Approach: Simulation of different management scenarios

Cross-Forest will create models to forecast wood quality in mixed forests on higher surfaces than the municipality level by using the National Forest Inventory and observational Big Data – mainly Airbone Laser Scanning (ALS). This scenario will be fully oriented towards end users interests (i.e., wood for wine barrels, biomass production, raw material for Composite Laminated Timber) and they will be completely integrated in the final models development.

Pilot Name: FRAME – Forest fiRes Advanced ModElization

Subject: Forest Fires.

Location: First Iteration, Portuguese-Spanish Border. Final iteration, all Iberian Surface.

Approach: Forest fires prevention and control through HPC modelization. Consequences mitigation

Fires propagation and their effects together with fire suppression technics will be addressed at a first scenario. By doing this, Cross-Forest will provide high quality information on severity prediction, possible evolution and useful recommendation on post-events measures, e.g. soil recovery procedures. The end users will be Public Administrations, Policy Makers and Emergency Professionals, while public interfaces and data viewers will be also provided to the general public.


3 Technical activities

  • HPC Facilities
  • Data gathering and processing. Data publication
  • Pilots an practical scenarios

3 Cross-cutting

  • Evaluation of results. Impact, Exploitation and Sustainability
  • Action Dissemination
  • Management


Pilot Name: FRAME – Forest fiRes Advanced ModElization

Subject: Forest Fires.

Location: First Iteration, Portuguese-Spanish Border. Final iteration, all Iberian Surface.

Approach: Forest fires prevention and control through HPC modelization. Consequences mitigation

Fires propagation and their effects together with fire suppression technics will be addressed at a first scenario. By doing this, Cross-Forest will provide high quality information on severity prediction, possible evolution and useful recommendation on post-events measures, e.g. soil recovery procedures. The end users will be Public Administrations, Policy Makers and Emergency Professionals, while public interfaces and data viewers will be also provided to the general public.


The Project counts on the active support of:

  • Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación (MAPA – Subdirección General de Política Forestal), Spain
  • Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e Florestas (ICNF), Portugal

These public bodies will act as data providers for the project, and will be part of the Advisory Board.