CROSS Harmonization & HPC modelization of FOREST Datasets
Forest Explorer
With a simple browser you have all the forest map and inventory information at your fingertips. Navigate the map, select tree species, filter by patches uses, discover plots and trees anywhere in Spain. The forest explorer is consciously optimized to work even on mobile devices.
Semantic Web technologies have emerged in the last decades as a way to publish heterogeneous data in a standard and interoperable way. These technologies allow to publish data in a self-describing way that can connect with data provided by the same or different entities. In the forestry domain, it permits to open the data to the general public, and link with related ontologies about geographical and political territory, or description of species.
High Performance Computing (HPC)
Here you can find information on the HPC (High Performance Computing) installations related to the tasks performed within the CAMBrIc and FRAME pilots, including details on the workflows and installed software.