
CROSS Harmonization & HPC modelization of FOREST Datasets
Agreement No INEA/CEF/ICT/A2017/1566738

The aim of Cross-Forest is to combine Forest Inventory Datasets, Forestry maps and observational Big Data such as SENTINEL or LiDAR and to create and integrate models supporting forest management and forest protection. Fires propagation and their effects together with fire suppression technics will be addressed at a first scenario. By doing this, Cross-Forest will provide high quality information on severity prediction, possible evolution and useful recommendation on post-events measures, e.g. soil recovery procedures. The end users will be Public Administrations, Policy Makers and Emergency Professionals, while public interfaces and data viewers will be also provided to the general public.

As a secondary scenario, Cross-Forest will create models to forecast wood quality in mixed forests on higher surfaces than the municipality level by using the National Forest Inventory and observational Big Data. This scenario will be fully oriented towards end users interests (i.e., wood for wine barrels, biomass production, raw material for Composite Laminated Timber) and they will be completely integrated in the final models development. The final aim of this second scenario is to facilitate a dynamic information platform – that potentially could be integrated in the JRC bio economy portal1, section SIMWOOD2 information system – to improve commercial promotion of wood to fit end users interests.