CROSS Harmonization & HPC modelization of FOREST Datasets

Cross-Forest Project at a remote event on Innovation in Cartography and Inventories of Forest Resources (19-20 May 2020)

portada II Jornada en Innovación en la Cartografía e Inventarios de Recursos Forestales

On 19-20 May 2020, the II Jornada en Innovación en la Cartografía e Inventarios de Recursos Forestales occurred remotely due to COVID-19 pandemic. The event was organized by Cesefor and IuFOR-UVA, with the support of the program Centratec del Instituto de Competitividad Empresarial de la Junta de Castilla y León and the Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico. This event was also integrated into the innovation seminar program of the Master DataForest of IuFOR-UVA.

During the event, it was possible to disseminate the Cross-Forest Project through the following presentations:

Proyecto Crossforest: modelos forestales, datos abiertos de mapa e inventario forestal. Apresentado por Belén Fierro, Grupo Tragsa;

Proyección de inventarios forestales mediante supercomputación.  Apresentado por Felipe Bravo, Universidad de Valladolid – iuFOR.

More than a thousand people participated remotely in this event on forest inventories, in which recent studies were presented regarding methodologies, applications and sources of information for inventories and analyzes of forest data.

The presentations of this event are available at:


La Vanguardia